Custom Hero Factory Wiki

Hey guys, I am here with my first MOC made in a while. This will be the main Villain in my upcoming story. Here he is:

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This is Rezurrector. Pretty epic name! He has the power to resurrect almost anything, from robots to non-robots to even plants. He was once a field medic for an elite Hero team, but he was captured, and something...unknown...happened to him. His weapon is a PDSS (Poison Double Spear Striker), which, as the name tells you, is a weapon with 2 poison spears. It can be used to stab, or can be shot from. The only downside is that Rezurrector is unable to carry extra spears, so if he decides to shoot them, he must manually retrieve the spears back. He is able to resurrect through the crystals on his shoulders. While they are quite vulnerable, they are protected by the lower part of the crystals (The blue part), which is actually extended to protect the whole crystal. The extended part is so clear that it's almost invisible.

Thats my MOC for now. Hope you liked it!

By the way, I should say "Thats all Folks" at the end of every post. It could be like my catchphrase or something. Something small that people could know me for.

"Thats all, Folks!"
